Durian Indonesian

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Durian is a tropical plant names are derived from Southeast Asia, as well as the name of an edible fruit. The name is taken from the skin of the fruit characteristics are hard and sharp that squiggly-like spines. His most popular title "king of all fruits" (King of Fruit), and the durian fruit is controversial. Although many like it, others disgusted with the smell.Indeed, plants with the name of the durian is not a single species but a group of plants of the genus Durio.However, the meaning of durian (without affixes anything) usually is Durio zibethinus. The types of other durian edible and are sometimes found in markets in Southeast Asia Tempatan include lai (D. kutejensis), kerantungan (D. oxleyanus), durian or kekura turtle (D. graveolens), and lahung (D . dulcis). Henceforth, the description below refers to D. zibethinus.There are many local names. Name the largest found in Borneo, which refers to the various different varieties and species. Durian in Java known as durian (Javanese, Betawi) and kadu (Sundanese). In Sumatra, known as durian and durian (Gayo language). In Sulawesi, Manado people call duriang, while the Toraja duliang. On the eastern island of Seram called rulen.Center of diversity durians is the island of Borneo. Surrounding areas also have some durian germplasm, such as Mindanao, Sumatra, and the Malay peninsula, although not semelimpah Kalimlantan. Nevertheless, the main durian exporter is Thailand, which are able to develop cultivars with high quality and good farming system. Another place that cultivates durian with export orientation is Mindanao in the Philippines, Queensland in Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, India, and Sri Lanka.In the Philippines, the center is a producer of durian in Davao on Mindanao Island. Kadayawan Festival is an annual celebration for durian in Davao City.Maintained primarily for the durian fruit, which is generally eaten (arilus or coated seeds) in a fresh condition. Coated seeds are generally sweet and very nutritious because they contain lots of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and minerals. On the highway durian season, fruit can be produced in abundance, especially in the centers of production in the region. Traditionally, fruit flesh is usually exaggerated preserved by cooking with sugar to lunkhead durian (commonly called lempok), or memfermentasikannya be tempoyak. Furthermore, tempoyak the sour taste is usually a matter of dishes like sambal tempoyak, or to a mixture of cooking fish.

An orange tree bear fruit two different kinds of oranges

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Bantul, www.jogjatv.tv-rare phenomenon in plants re-occurred in Bantul. An orange tree in the hamlet Pranti pecel, Srihardono, Pundong, Bantul, has 2 types of fruit in one tree. Though the tree owner pleaded not make any effort to genetic changes in the orange tree. Citrus trees even this is now the spectacle of citizens.

At first glance there is nothing unique from citrus trees belonging pecel Paijo, residents Pranti, Srihardono, Pundong, Bantul. Pecel orange tree looks like an orange tree in general. But when viewed further this tree is unique. In one tree there are 2 types of citrus fruits, namely oranges and orange Pecel Keprok Ranggono. Though genetic engineering Paijo not do anything on his orange trees.

Initially Paijo not see the weirdness in his pecel citrus trees. Since the last 2006 trees planted orange pecel are quite fertile and fruitful growth. But in the last 3 months of this tree shows peculiarities. In addition pecel citrus fruit, citrus fruit trees are also other types namely ranggono tangerines. Texture and size of the two different types of oranges even this. If the orange pecel small, smooth-skinned and sour taste, but the rough-skinned tangerines ranggono, larger and sweeter taste.

despite knowing of his citrus trees have a genetic anomaly, but Paijo pleaded not give special treatment on citrus trees. In fact he plans to split his share with a unique citrus fruit is ripe when it later.

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Unique Heart Shaped oranges

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Unique Heart Shaped oranges.
Unique Heart Shaped Japanese citrus
  Research by Japanese scientists showed, Japanese oranges may lower the risk of liver cancer, hardening of blood vessels, and insulin resistance.
The first study conducted by scientists from the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science. They studied 1073 people Mikkabi in Shizuoka city, Japan, which long was used to eating Japanese oranges.

This strange phenomenon turned out to contain chemicals in their blood samples showed that they are less likely to experience problems
serious health it (cancer of the liver, hardening of blood vessels, and insulin resistance).
While the research conducted by experts from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. They studied 30 patients
hepatitis, which then were asked to consume a drink containing carotenoids and Japanese citrus juices. after
a year to consume the drink, did not reveal any liver cancer cells in 30 patients with it. While in 45 patients with hepatitis who did not drink it, as much as 8.9 percent of whom later develop liver cancer cells.
Oranges Japan photo collection does have a high carotenoid content. Senyawavitamin A is what gives the color orange on orange japanese.

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Fruiting mango bananas

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Magelang - Residents Kenteng Hamlet, Village Mangunsari Sawangan district, Magelang, Central Java commotion. Because , there is a compound fruiting mango tree, like a comb on banana bunches!From the observation AFP Sunday (2/27/2011), mango tree that bear fruit that grows in the yard unique mango tree belongs to Bejo Asmoro (45).Trees that are older than 3 years, it has about 7 meters high. From the tree trunk, there are about 20 pieces of mango bergerumbul compound, making it resemble a banana comb.Mango trees bear fruit 'banana' is already known Bejo two weeks ago. However, the new Sunday (2/27/2011) this afternoon to local residents, and residents outside the village, was busy visiting the garden Bejo. They were intrigued by the news and wanted to see first hand the uniqueness of the tree."Post-eruption of Merapi, I initially ignored by the appearance of the fruit 'banana' in my mango tree. I examine why the larger and similar to a banana tree, it's gone after the news spread by word of mouth eventually my yard now so crowded, "the story of Bejo.To anticipate the destruction of trees and fruit 'banana', the Bejo then ask for help of local people to fence around the tree using bamboo. 

Description Of The Orange Fruit

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The orange fruit is one of the widely consumed fruits in America in the form of fruit and juice. It is also extremely popular. It is grown in several parts of Florida and California.It is also exported to a large extent from Mexico. The orange fruit is orange in color, and it looks like a globe. The shape of the fruit is scientifically described as globus. The rind of orange is thick and the fruit has to be eaten by peeling of the rind. It is a citrus fruit and has a tangy taste.Nearly 60 percent of the oranges produced are made into orange juice and supplied all over the country.The orange fruit varies in sizes, and a healthy fruit should fill your palm. When you peel the rind off the fruit, you will notice segments of the orange similar to garlic gloves but they are big and juicy. The orange may also have white thread like things covering it. These also need to be removed gently before eating the fruit. There are tiny seeds inside each segment of the orange. The remaining part of the segment is filled with pulp and water.Orange fruit is rich in Vitamin C, and has several antioxidant properties. It is extremely good for increasing the resistance in the body. Some of the best oranges are grown in Florida. There are more than 16 varieties of oranges grown in the United States. It is also grown in parts of Colorado and Texas. Orange juice is easily the favorite drink of adults and children. in Indonesia is very much citrus fruit crops. most in the area of ​​Kalimantan and Sumatra. there are citrus orchards are very wide and hundreds of acres. price is very cheap and definitely sweet.for visitors from other countries that there would not be disappointed.

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Benefits if the consumption of apples

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Behind the unique shape, color is an attractive, red and refreshing taste, it turns out this fruit contains many substances that are preventing or curing a number of diseases, especially the inside of organs. According to scientists, Apple is believed to be capable of controlling cholesterol, as in the content of the fruit turns out there are antioxidants (substances preventing free radicals that cause damage to body cells) are high in it, which is considered effective against the "bad cholesterol" or LDL ( Low Density Lipoprotein) in the body. In addition, at the same time can also increase the "good cholesterol" or HDL (High Density Lipoprotein).A piece of apple is believed to reduce the risk of lung cancer and colon cancer thanks to flavonoid substances that are inside. Flavonoids are considered to protect the body from damage by free radicals or unstable molecules that arise because the body's normal chemical processes and other environmental influences, such as air pollution.Based on research conducted at Cornell Univesity that are still fresh apples can prevent the emergence of neurodegenerative, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Provisional estimates that thanks to this influenced antioxidants in apples. In addition, the Apples are high in fiber, which makes the fruit is very good to help digestion. This high fiber can also avoid the appearance of hunger sooner, so that apples can help when trying to lose weight.In addition to the above benefits, it turns out Apple fruit can be beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels, lowering blood pressure, strengthens the heart, reduces appetite, strengthen the kidneys, and overcome insomnia.For that, viewed from the top row of the benefits of Apples, Apples can be a material consideration in order to Apples we can enter into our menu, because behind the unique shape and color that attracted Apple has many benefits in terms of health benefits.

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About us

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We are a blog that contains articles about Indonesian fruit and other nations. we are here to share experiences on the fruit in the world. kinds of fruit in the world so much and has its own benefits. Our Indonesian people want to share a lot of fruit that is in Indonesian.