Durian Indonesian

Durian is a tropical plant names are derived from Southeast Asia, as well as the name of an edible fruit. The name is taken from the skin of the fruit characteristics are hard and sharp that squiggly-like spines. His most popular title "king of all fruits" (King of Fruit), and the durian fruit is controversial. Although many like it, others disgusted with the smell.Indeed, plants with the name of the durian is not a single species but a group of plants of the genus Durio.However, the meaning of durian (without affixes anything) usually is Durio zibethinus. The types of other durian edible and are sometimes found in markets in Southeast Asia Tempatan include lai (D. kutejensis), kerantungan (D. oxleyanus), durian or kekura turtle (D. graveolens), and lahung (D . dulcis). Henceforth, the description below refers to D. zibethinus.There are many local names. Name the largest found in Borneo, which refers to the various different varieties and species. Durian in Java known as durian (Javanese, Betawi) and kadu (Sundanese). In Sumatra, known as durian and durian (Gayo language). In Sulawesi, Manado people call duriang, while the Toraja duliang. On the eastern island of Seram called rulen.Center of diversity durians is the island of Borneo. Surrounding areas also have some durian germplasm, such as Mindanao, Sumatra, and the Malay peninsula, although not semelimpah Kalimlantan. Nevertheless, the main durian exporter is Thailand, which are able to develop cultivars with high quality and good farming system. Another place that cultivates durian with export orientation is Mindanao in the Philippines, Queensland in Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, India, and Sri Lanka.In the Philippines, the center is a producer of durian in Davao on Mindanao Island. Kadayawan Festival is an annual celebration for durian in Davao City.Maintained primarily for the durian fruit, which is generally eaten (arilus or coated seeds) in a fresh condition. Coated seeds are generally sweet and very nutritious because they contain lots of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and minerals. On the highway durian season, fruit can be produced in abundance, especially in the centers of production in the region. Traditionally, fruit flesh is usually exaggerated preserved by cooking with sugar to lunkhead durian (commonly called lempok), or memfermentasikannya be tempoyak. Furthermore, tempoyak the sour taste is usually a matter of dishes like sambal tempoyak, or to a mixture of cooking fish.

Durian is often processed into a mixture of traditional cakes, like gelamai or porridge. Sometimes, durian sticky rice mixed in a dish of rice (sticky rice) along with coconut milk. In today's world, durian (or flavor) used to be mixed in candy, ice cream, milk, and various other beverages.The seeds can be eaten as a snack after a boiled or baked,  or mixed in durian compote. Raw durian seeds are toxic and can not be eaten because they contain fatty acids siklopropena (cyclopropene). [10] durian seeds contain about 27% amylose.  leaf buds (buds), crown of flowers and young fruit can be cooked as a vegetable.Durian (Durio zibethinus) nurtrisi value per 100 g (3.5 oz)Energy 615 kJ (147 kcal)Carbohydrates 27.09 g- Dietary fiber 3.8 g5:33 g fat1:47 g proteinWater 65gVitamin C 19.7 mg (33%)Potassium 436 mg (9%)Only the parts that can be eaten, raw or frozen.Stover: 68% (Shell and seeds)Sources: USDA Nutrient database
The percentage refers to the U.S. recommendations for adults.Some parts of the plant is sometimes used as an ingredient of traditional medicine. Roots used as a drug fever. The leaves, mixed with jeringau (Acorus Calamus), used to cure cantengan (infection of the nail). Men to treat skin rashes on the skin (scab) and difficult bowel movements (constipation). Rind is also commonly burned and the ashes used in potions to launch menstruation and abortion. Ash and ash soaking water is also used as a mixture of traditional dyes. Some people in Java using durian skin that has been eaten as a repellent (repellent) mosquitoes by putting them in a corner. Sapwood is white wood paneling and reddish. Lightweight, but not so durable and easily attacked by termites. Usually used as furniture, packing crates, and lightweight construction materials under the roof, provided it does not come into contact with the ground.Each 100 g of coated seeds contain 67 g of water, 28.3 g carbohydrates, 2.5 g fat, 2.5 g protein, 1.4 g fiber, and also has an energy value of 520 kJ. Durian also contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C; as well as potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

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