Description Guava water

Guava is a water-plant in the tribal guava Myrtaceae jambuan or originating from Southeast Asia. Guava Guava water is actually different from Semarang (Syzygium samarangense), close relatives who have fruit trees and is almost similar. Some kultivarnya even difficult to distinguish, so that both are often named with common names, or guava guava water only.
Other names are pink roses Ayer (Malaysia), guava AIE (Min.), guava cai (Sd.), guava wer (Jw.), jhambhu wir (Md.), nyambu er (Bl.), kumpas, kumpasa , kombas, kembes (the languages ​​in North Sulawesi), Jene guava, guava Salo (Sulawesi), guava waelo, kuputol waelo, lutune waele, Kopo Olo (various languages ​​in Seram and surrounding areas), and so on lain.Juga pink buttons ( ind.), for cultivars whose fruits into small pieces.
In other countries, guava is known as machom phupa or Chomphu pa (Thai), tambis (Phil.), bell fruit, water apple (Ingg.) and others.
Generally, plant parts water guava smaller and less aromatic smell when compared with guava Semarang. Note the description of the parts in italics, especially flowers and fruit.

Rose-water is generally in the form of shrubs, with a height of 30-10 m. Often with swollen stem-bent and branched from the base of trees, sometimes reaching 50 cm gemangnya.
Single leaf located opposite each other, stemmed from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Heart-shaped leaf blade elliptic to circular inverted oval eggs, 7-25 x 2.5 to 16 cm, not or slightly aromatic smell when crushed.
Bouquet of flowers in the tassel at the end of the branch (terminal) or appear in the armpit leaves that have fallen (axial), containing 3-7 florets. Whitish yellow flowers, with petals lk tube. 1 cm in length; round up menyegitiga petals, 5-7 mm; between 0.75 to 2 cm stamens and pistil stalk that reached 17 mm.
Fruit type buni fruit, shaped top with a small base and the tip of a very wide (often with side grooves separating the base to tip); 1.5 to 2 x 2.5 to 3.5 cm; crowned with a fleshy petals and curved ; the outer side white to red. Fruit flesh white, lots of watery, almost no smell; sour or sweet and sour, sometimes a bit Sepat. Seeds are small, 1-2 (-6) point.
Rose-water, as well as guava and cashew bol Semarang, commonly presented as a table fruit. The three types of cashew has a utilization of more or less similar and interchangeable. The fruits are generally eaten fresh, or used as one of the salad ingredients. Various types of guava can also be set up or used as pickles. [3]
The wood is hard and reddish quite well as a building material, provided it does not hit the ground. Only the usual size is too small. Both also used as firewood.
In areas Brass, water guava leaf is used as wrapping sticky tape. Tape Brass and many famous sweet juicy.
The origin of this fruit tree is not known with certainty, but is expected from the Southeast Asia region. Since the first plant has been maintained as a fruit tree in this region, ranging from the Indochina region to the eastern part of the archipelago.

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